Monday, July 4, 2011

First Day in the Trap

Welcome all to The Fuzzy Bear Trap..............

If you have entered then you can probably relate to the picture above, where you unsuspectingly are walking through life and some pretty little lady gives you a smile then WHAMO!!!!! you're trapped. 

It happens so fast that you don't even feel the steel clamp down around your leg until it is too late.  Then when you say "OOPS" and decide to back out.......Well you can see where this is going and what your left with after prying your mangled, bleeding limbs out.  

So do I have your attention?  Are you feeling the scars of the traps of the past right about now?? 

Welcome to The Fuzzy Bare Trap where we will journey into the world of why we find ourselves in the jaws of the most powerful force in the world.  Like some kind of tractor beam into the Death Star, we are sucked in.  All of our controls are inoperable and we just sit back and let it happen.  Our wookie just looks over and smiles knowing what is to come. Well "Laugh it up Fuzz Ball", because it is time to get together and recognize what is happening.  To help one another defy the force and break free from the "Trap".  

"The Fuzzy Bear Trap" a place where we can go to share our stories, warn others, lick our wounds and hopefully help each other avoid falling prey to that which have all endured.

 OH MY!!!!!!!